PRESStinely, LLC

Unlock a Childlike Curiosity and Ply Unique Colors Into Daily Life Challenges

Activate powerful Creative Intelligence and be ready to expand and create a joy-filled life with the newly released book Life in Full Colors


Alpharetta, GA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/20/2021 --Journey inward and discover the innate ability to creatively overcome difficult challenges to create a joy-filled life. Transpersonal art therapist, Corry MacDonald, shares her therapeutic creative processes that appeal to everyone - drawing, mind-mapping, painting, journaling, envisioning, and imagining.

The art the reader is invited to make does not require any artistic skill or ability; all that is needed is openness to the experience, willingness to grow, and curiosity to express in a new way. The art created from reading Life In Full Colors: Unlock Your Childlike Curiosity to Uncover and Activate the Creative Intelligence You Are serves as a container to hold all the emotions, information and undiscovered possibilities that want to surface in someone's journey. Art can hold anything a person is carrying and it can even reflect unseen and deeply felt emotions, creating more understanding and acceptance.

The processes presented in the book serve to shift the reader to a new state of awareness and bring great insight around feelings, thoughts and behaviors through creating art in a non-judgmental space with the intention to heal and self-care improves mood, sleep, and wellbeing while raising self-worth and a sense of place within the Whole Universe. For the majority of the processes in the book, paper and some colored crayons or markers are all that is necessary.

"It's like yoga with crayons! A great gift for anyone on the spiritual path which is seeking union and alignment with their whole colorful self." - Reviewer

Ultimately, the various Creating Healing processes within these pages uncover and activate an innate Creative Intelligence which gives access to clear insights that naturally bridge from the book into the reader's life. By reading, learning, and using the tools within this book to create a life in full colors, the reader can't help but operate from a space of self-care and love.

Corry MacDonald

Integrating her training as an expressive artist and transpersonal art therapist, Corry MacDonald shares her findings from both her personal life and professional experiences as an advanced cognitive coach, energy healer, and HeartSpeaker, teaching people how to ignite healing from their unique life challenges.

Based on a decade of dedicated work, Corry dives into the realm of inner and outer transformation with a simple and potent 7-step process for alchemizing heavy-hued emotions and experiences into light, intelligence and information.

Experiencing over two decades of cross-cultural living with her husband and three teenagers in five countries, Corry's key desire is to help as many people around the globe as she can to uncover their innate ability to create a life in full colors through her book, Life in Full Colors: Unlock Your Childlike Curiosity to Uncover and Activate the Creative Intelligence You Are, her Creative Healing workshops, and private sessions.