McKnight Crossings

Cross #1 Item off Your Bucket List Community-Wide Invitation to Read the Bible in 31 Weeks

Our goal is to read the Bible together from beginning to end. Our hope is that many people in the community will join us. McKnight Crossings is a safe place where, regardless of background, we can join together to wonder, question, explore, and belong


St. Louis, MO -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/23/2012 -- Everyone remembers 2007’s surprise hit The Bucket List, Jack Nicholson’s and Morgan Freeman’s heartwarming portrayal of two terminally ill men’s escape from a cancer ward for a life-changing road trip. Together they set out to check things off their respective lists of to-dos before they die—they call these to-dos their bucket lists. That movie inspired people worldwide to create their own bucket lists. Today, a google search for “bucket list” brings up more than fifteen million results in less than 3 seconds. reveals these gems on their members’ lists:

The Lofty
- Do volunteer work with a third world country
- Work at a soup kitchen
- Be a foster parent

The Practical
- Pay off my student loans
- Be my children’s role model
- Complete a 1000-piece puzzle

The Sublime
- Stand under a waterfall
- Ride in a limousine
- Kiss in the rain

The Unique
- Drink from a coconut
- Milk a cow
- Fill up an entire coloring book

But, the most common item found on American’s bucket lists? According to The Barna Research Group, 72% of all Americans say they want to “read the Bible all the way through.”

Their motivations vary, but 225 million divergent Americans-- `active Christians,’ `nominal Christians,’ `spiritual but not religious,’ atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, non-religious, Scientologists, humanists, etc.—transcend their differences and share a curiosity about what the Bible says. Still, fewer than 25% are successful at actually buckling down and making their way through all 66 books contained in the Bible. [Gallup] Obviously, reading the Bible is a formidable challenge for most people.

Regardless, the Bible remains the best-selling book in history, and more than 90% of American households own at least one copy.

“Lots of people have great intentions, they really want to delve into the Bible and discover for themselves, firsthand, what it says. Whether they’re drawn to the Bible by its historical or cultural significance, a spiritual motivation, the poetry of the Psalms, the wisdom of Solomon, or just simple curiosity about what’s inside, people are gung ho when they first commit to reading the Bible. They keep up their reading for a few weeks, but then they hit the wall. If they’ve started in Genesis, I’d say that happens someplace around Numbers,” said David Bearden, senior minister for McKnight Crossings Church of Christ.

“There are some exciting parts in Numbers, too,” said Bearden. “You have spies, giants, sibling rivalry, a plague, fiery-flying insects. But, it takes the Israelites forty long years to get where they’re going. By the time you finally reach the last page of Numbers it can feel like you’ve been reading almost as long as the Israelites were wandering around.”

Jeff Kryder, also a senior minister with McKnight Crossings, added “Frankly, the size of the Bible, the scope, its span can be very intimidating. Fortunately, Zondervan Press has published a new book and supporting materials that brings an exciting accessibility to the Bible. We want to share it with the community. For anyone who has reading the Bible on their bucket list, McKnight Crossings is the place to be in September. We’re going to experience Genesis through Revelation in a new way, using a new version of the Bible. It’s simply called The Story. The Story reads like a best-selling novel, but it’s still the Bible. It’s condensed and rearranged chronologically so as you read it, the big picture--from the creation to the promise of what comes after this world—emerges and becomes clear. People who have read The Story say it’s hard for them to put the book down.

Even people who have read through the traditional Bible multiple times say The Story adds context and perspective they never had before.” Bearden and Kryder will be teaching from one chapter of The Story each week starting September 9, 2012 in the two simultaneous services held at McKnight Crossings Church of Christ, 10:00am Sunday mornings. The McKnight Crossings auditorium service is a traditional worship; the service in the gym is more contemporary.

In addition to the weekly sermons, applications from The Story will also be used as the curriculum in all classes from the Children’s Ministry through the Adult groups, small groups meeting in homes throughout the week, and other support groups. All McKnight Crossings meetings are open. Visitors and community members wishing to follow the 31-week curriculum of The Story are welcome and encouraged to attend as often as possible. For a complete listing of services, meetings, places, times, and contacts visit or call 314-962-7026.

“This is the first time that every age group at McKnight Crossings will be following the same curriculum thread,” said Bearden. “It’s exciting! Age-appropriate materials will bring The Story alive for children, teenagers, and adults. We’ll also be providing free collateral study guides to families so they can continue the discussion of The Story and its application at home.”

“Our goal is to read the Bible together from beginning to end. Our hope is that many people in the community will join us. McKnight Crossings is a safe place where, regardless of background, we can join together to wonder, question, explore, and belong,” said Kryder.

The Story, versions for both children and adults, can be purchased at a reduced rate in the McKnight Crossings Church of Christ foyer.

For More Information:
David Bearden, 314-962-7026

Jeff Kryder, 314-962-7026