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Waiting for Love: Acclaimed Life Coach, Jackee Turks, Urges Women to Heal 'Love Addiction' in Compelling Memoir

Telling the powerful story of her own life’s struggle for male validation, Jackee Turks hopes her story will empower other women to see their own self-worth, embark on a life of true independence and find solace in God’s plan for them.


Anaheim Hills, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/13/2013 -- While Valentine’s Day is transforming stores into heart-filled displays of ‘love’, life coach Jackee Turks is countering their false influence with the launch of a powerful new book.

Aimed at women around the world, ‘Waiting for Love’ is a message of hope for the millions who fall victim to society’s pressured image that finding a husband is the only key to fulfilment.


This is a far too familiar story about an innocent little girl desiring love from an absentee father. She becomes unfulfilled and embarks on a journey to find love in all the wrong places.

You know the girl, the one who becomes a mother and a teenager simultaneously, the one who confuses sex with love and the one who thinks securing a husband will fill all voids only to find that God is the way the truth and life. This is a story about Jackee Turks.

As the author explains, the message in her book will resonate with millions of women who suffer the crippling effects of loneliness.

“The world is filled with so many lonely women. Women who never had a chance to know their own worth because they are trying so hard to find a man who will validate them and tell them that they are Loveable and that they are pretty and smart or worthy. They are looking for a ‘Prince Charming’ like I was to make it ALL better,” says Turks.

Continuing, “Unfortunately, this way of thinking is ONLY a fairy tale and many of us go through our whole lives searching and seeking that perfect relationship. Most never grow to realize that learning to love themselves is truly one of the greatest loves of all.”

Imparting her message by drawing readers deep into the intimate details of her own life, Jackee admits that she is no different to other women and that anyone can follow her down the road to true happiness.

“I realized that there was way more to me than just being somebody's wife. Even though I grew up without a father, I now know God has much more purpose for my life. I learned that I can finally say that I am ‘Healed’ from the ‘Love Addiction’ that held me down for all those years. I don't have to have someone tell me that I am good to be good enough or to feel complete. And you can be healed too,” she adds.

Having grown to become one of the country’s most in-demand life coaches, Turks’ story of rising from the ashes has already helped thousands of women better their own self-image, self-worth and ultimately turn their lives around.

With critics expecting her book to be in huge demand, interested readers are urged to purchase their copy as soon as it is released on Valentine’s Day (February 14th 2013).

For more information about the book and its background, visit the author’s official website: http://www.jackeeturks.com

For the most up-date-news, follow Jackee on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JackeeTurks

She can also be followed on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jackeeturks

Jackee can be heard on Saturday on ’The Living Proof’ at 9:00pm PST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jackeeturks

About the Author: Jackee Turks
Jackee Turks is a Life Coach Certified by the AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors) Foundation.

She was born in Indianapolis In. and raised in Long Beach CA. A proud mother of two, Jackee is presently living in Anaheim Hills CA and is a member and Worship Leader at ”Praise Chapel” in Norwalk CA
Jackee is also an Inspirational singer. Her CD “I’m Not the Same” and New Single ”Bow Before Your throne” from her upcoming album “Survivor” are available for purchase on I-tunes.