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Vaporizer Reviews Website Vape Forest Posts New Review of the Ascent Vaporizer to Its Site


San Francisco, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/16/2013 -- Vape Forest, a website that strives to offer in-depth and up-to-date vaporizer reviews about every tobacco vaporizer that is in production, has just posted a review of the brand new portable Ascent vaporizer. According to a spokesperson at Vape Forest, the new review, http://vapeforest.com/reviews/ascent-vaporizer-review/, seems to have caught the eye of the founders of Organicix, the company that produces the vaporizer. As the spokesperson noted, the company—which is also known as the DaVinci Vaporizer company—redesigned the soon-to-be-launched vaporizer, possibly based on the review posted on the Vape Forest site.

Since posting the review, Vape Forest has received an updated version of the Ascent vaporizer, which they believe will be the final product. The spokesperson said they have tested the new version and are planning on updating their review based on the recent changes.

“The new version has a metal tool conveniently inserted into the top of the device right next to the retractable glass mouthpiece,” the spokesperson from VapeForest.com said.

“More importantly, they have reduced the amount of air and vapor leaking out of the vapor pathway and as a result the vapor density is more consistent.”

As the review of the new Ascent vaporizer noted, it may very well be among the best vaporizer devices that money can buy.

“DaVinci’s Ascent vaporizer is a pocket-friendly portable which is smaller than an iPhone,” the review noted, adding that it utilizes a combination of conduction and convection to vaporize both dry as well as liquid blends at temperatures up to 430 degrees Fahrenheit.

“Dual 2200MAH Lithium-ion batteries power the device for 3 – 4 hours, depending on the temperature used. Not only is this the very first glass-on-glass portable vaporizer, it’s also our favorite, as it’s more than capable of consistently delivering some of the purist vapor we here at VapeForest.com have ever come across.”

Anybody who would like to learn more about Vape Forest is welcome to visit the website at any time; there, they can browse through the many product reviews. In addition to the new post about the Ascent vaporizer, the Vape Forest review section, http://vapeforest.com/reviews/ will soon feature two additional vaporizers: the Pinnacle Vaporizer by VaporBlunt Inc. and the Rise vaporizer by Vapir.

About Vape Forest
VapeForest.com is dedicated to testing, reviewing, and ranking every single vaporizer in production. Beyond reviewing vaporizers, Vape Forest is home to reviews of vaporizer accessories, grinders, and other general information regarding vaporization such as news pertaining to the vapor industry. People can connect with Vape Forest via a variety of mediums, including via Twitter at https://twitter.com/vapeforest and through YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/vaporizerforest. For more information, please visit http://vapeforest.com