Even the Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, has asked local business owners and city officials to create summer jobs for young people.
Pasadena, CA -- (SBWIRE) --05/18/2011 -- Teenagers trying to get a part-time job this summer are in for a harsh reality check.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its report on the job market for 16-19 year olds. The report says that the unemployment rate for this age group is 24.5 %. This rate is among the highest for all major worker groups. The best hope for teenagers is to contact local businesses. With no major federal funds being given to state and local governments, local businesses are the best bet for teenagers.
Even the Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, has asked local business owners and city officials to create summer jobs for young people. The BLS has also launched “Summer Jobs USA: Make the Commitment!” The initiative aims at creating 100,000 employment opportunities online.
The main companies who have so far pledged support are Wells Fargo & Co., UPS, Qwest Communications, General Dynamics, Research in Motion, and Toyota North America. Wells Fargo has said that the bank usually hires for summer and this time, it is hiring around 1,000 college and MBA students.
ParttimeCrossing, a job aggregator site focusing only on part-time jobs, has been able to find over 31,000 jobs across the country.